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Medical & Therapeutic Services in Houston, Texas

Skilled Nursing

Our licensed nurses offer personalized medical care at home, including:

  • Health assessments

  • Medication management

  • Wound care

  • Diabetes management

  • Pain management

Physical Therapy

Our registered therapists focus on enhancing motor abilities and mobility with services like:

  • Motor dysfunction evaluations

  • Muscle strength & endurance enhancement

  • Mobility improvement

  • Home safety and functional mobility programs

Occupational Therapy

We help seniors live independently by improving their self-care skills through:

  • Self-care abilities evaluations

  • Upper body strength & mobility improvement

  • Daily living skills enhancement

  • Pain assessment and management

Speech Therapy

Our pathologists support effective communication and comprehension with services like:

  • Assessments and interventions for hearing impairment and neurological disorders

  • Techniques for improved communication and comprehension

  • Patient education and swallowing techniques

Senior Therapy

Schedule a free consultation. It's easy, fast, and secure.

For more information about our services or to schedule a consultation.


At CNE Home Health Services, we are committed to "Caring and Nurturing with Excellence, Every Single Day."

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1880 S. Dairy Ashford, Suite 537  |  Houston, Texas 77077  |  Tel 713-783-6373  or 956-227-6323

© 2023 CNE Home Health Services. Designed by VYRE.

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